Let Go, open your wings and FLY (Building your emotional intelligence)

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to manage our relationships and ourselves effectively. The Emotional Intelligence model consists of four fundamental capabilities:

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Awareness of others
  • Relationship development

Emotional intelligence can be measured as “EQ”.
In study after study, EQ has proved to be a greater determiner of success than IQ.
The great news is that, unlike IQ, EQ can be improved and developed.

This seminar will present the advantages of incorporating emotional intelligence and intuitive thinking and decision making, into our leadership, team building and coaching..

Learning to let go, open your wings and fly, may change your whole concept of achievement.

General Aim
To present an effective model and tools for growing your leadership ability..

Specific aims:
To provide you with specific tools for effective leadership and team building
To outline the EQ model
To introduce the “Emotion Smart” TM achievement model
To introduce the concept of “Performance Learning” TM

Session Outline
You will be taken through a range of practical and interactive exercises.
On this journey you will experience different aspects of leadership, achievement, performance learning and connection with a new and exciting future.

Contacts us now for more detail on this highly relevant and applicable approach to the world of achievement, learning, leadership and coaching.

PO Box 836 Wahroonga NSW 2076 Australia
Ph: 02 9487 5046 Fax: 02 9487 6154 Mobile:0414 99 1953
Email: results@motivationalspeaker.com.au