Pre-Program Questionnaire


Client / Department




Date Required
Time Required
Duration of Presentation

Address in full




The Program
a The Conference / Meeting / Program theme?

b What is the reason for this meeting (i.e. annual meeting, awards night, banquet, etc.)?

c What is the specific purpose of this meeting?

d What specific objectives do you have for my session?

e What would make it not only a success but a good investment in your eyes?

f What would you like them to walk away from this meeting with that they didn’t have when they arrived?

g What specific activities/behaviours separate your high performance people from your average performers?

h Issues to avoid, if any?

I Have you any special suggestions to help me make this program your best ever?

j What is the primary product or service that you sell?

k What are the two most important Benefits / Values you / your people offer your customers?

l Who is your typical customer / client?

m What are the unique features of this product / service that differentiate if from your competitors?

n Who are the major competitors in your market area?

o What are your strengths compared to your competitors?

p What are your major weaknesses compared to your competitors?

q What are your Vision/Mission or Positioning statements?

r Who are some of your executives?

s Other regions / divisions who hold meetings / conferences?

People (Who will be in my audience):
a Is there a shared concern most of the audience might have?

b What is the greatest challenge they are currently facing?

c Please tell me any changes that they have gone through in the past two years?

d Areas of their overall working performance that require improvement?

e Name and title of my introducer:

f What takes place immediately before and after my program?

g Times for my presentation

h Who are the other speakers on the program with me, if any?


Audience Information
a Number of Participants?

Are spouses invited?

b Percentage of males to females?

c Average age group?

d What are the job titles and responsibilities of those in attendance

e Will there be people in the audience who do not fit the description above? If so, please explain?

f Is there anything I should know about the audience before addressing them?

g Please supply a list the names and titles of your people attending the meeting?

h Paragraph on six people (This information is used to custom design and personalise the presentation.)


Logistical Information
a If I have any problems / emergencies on my way to the program, whom should I contact? (Include business and home phone numbers)

Business Phone
Mobile Phone
b How do I get from the airport to the meeting site / hotel?

c If I am to stay overnight:


d Who should I contact when I arrive at the hotel?

e Where exactly is the meeting location and room?

f How many people does the room hold?

g Are the following items available?
1. Data projector & screen
2. VHS video
3. Microphone
h Best time for me to set up and check equipment

a Challenges:

b Breakthroughs:

c What professional speakers have you used in the past with this group, and what did they cover:

d What are the most significant events that have occurred in your industry, organisation or group during the past year? Industry/Organisation

a Challenges:

b Breakthroughs:

c What professional speakers have you used in the past with this group, and what did they cover:

d What are the most significant events that have occurred in your industry, organisation or group during the past year?


Resource Materials
Please send us copies of your last annual report, product / service information and copies of any newsletter that might help us get to know the audience better.

More training programs on Emotional Competence, Sales, Management, Team building, Behavioral profiling and Work Attitude Motivation right job right people - would you like information on these? YES / No.

Thank you for your assistance. Should there be any other information you feel would be interesting, or would be of help to me to custom design my part of the program, to be as impactful and assist the positive change of the participants please just generate a page eight and add that information there.

PO Box 836 Wahroonga NSW 2076 Australia
Ph: 02 9487 5046 Fax: 02 9487 6154 Mobile:0414 99 1953